These are the values that define us.
We love God
We are a community of radical lovers of Jesus. It’s expressed in our worship, devotion, surrender, and how we lead our lives. It’s not something we say, it’s something we live. We believe this is the highest call of a believer. We give ourselves to the secret place. To encounter the living God and His love every day. Our goal is to love Him because He first loved us. The response is a life fully surrendering to His will and call.
We love people
We love because He taught us how to. Our goal is to love one another as He loved us. That looks like sacrifice, vulnerability, commitment, and intentionality. We radically give our lives to people because He gave His life for us. This is expressed in how we do church. We strive to do community, not church, well. We are a community of believers who do life together and have fun doing it.
We love the nations
We believe God wants to impact the nations through us, His church. His goal is that every nation, tribe, and tongue be touched with the kingdom of God and He wants to use the church to do it. The church is God's tool to fulfill this desire of His heart. We believe that looks like a sacrifice of money, resources, and people for the great commission
We pray
We believe that God has things on His heart that he desires to do and it’s our privilege to partner with Him in that. We pray because we believe He wants to move. We pray to get His perspective. We pray to see things change. It’s our call as believers to be near God's heart and pray that His will comes to pass.
We make disciples
We believe every believer is called to be disciples, reach the lost, and make disciples. Whether in your family, work, school, city, or another nation. Doesn’t matter your occupation or stage in life. This is not for the elect or those in full-time ministry. It’s the call of every believer.
We value the Word
We are devoted to the scriptures. They are our highest authority. Jesus was the word made flesh. We believe a healthy disciple of Jesus loves His word. We expect that people spend daily time with Jesus in His word. You cannot love Jesus without loving the scriptures. So we pursue and desire the word with all our hearts.
We value the Holy Spirit
We value the third person of the Godhead. We make room and invite Him to lead and direct everything we do. Our goal is to encounter Him and allow Him to encounter the world around us, through us. He is the key to the kingdom of God. Without Him we have nothing. We will value His leading above anything else. He will always confirm and affirm what the word says. We welcome His gifts and believe they are vital for the growth of the body and available to every believer.
Every person is significant
We believe that every believer is gifted and called with a specific design from God. We want to be a place that calls out and makes room for people to grow into their gifting and calling. We want to be a place where sons become fathers and daughters become mothers. We need the entirety of the body to fulfill the mission and heart of God.
We love family
We believe kingdom is family and family is kingdom. Healthy marriages and healthy families are attractive to the world cause we were all created for it. We want good mothers and good fathers. God wants to raise families to bring the kingdom to the world. We sacrifice to have families worship together. We sacrifice to make sure families can do things together.
We expect miracles
We believe that when God shows up everything changes. We anticipate and expect Him to move because we believe He always wants to. He heals, delivers, sets free, makes new, and encounters because it’s who He is. Miracles should be the everyday life of someone filled with the Spirit of God.
We are sojourners
This world is not our home. We live for the day that we stand before Him. Our lives are not our own. We laid them down so we could follow Jesus and because of that our treasures are in heaven. We live with that perspective and think every day in every decision. Our goal is not comfort or riches. We want to live with eternity in mind. We are just passing through.